Turn jealousy to your advantage

Hey, there humans! Let us hop right into the topic "JEALOUSY" or sometimes my friends call it "Jelly Jelly :p" As you all know by the word, it does not bring any pleasantness to the table, does it? so how can we convert this not-so-good emotion into something that makes us feel vibrant again? Humans are social creatures, we often look for our ways to connect with people, and thanks to the modern tech that led us into different social media platforms, which in my opinion can help us to connect with people of similar kind or we may go spiraling into a rabbit hole of "void" (Just like the GOT's spiral meme of fan theories about night king went into the drain IYWIM wink) . Because of the so-called instant gratification apps, we are drawn to feel jealous of people posting about their vacation pictures or career accomplishments Ummm and the list goes on. And it's completely normal because we are trained to be that way in the matrix, turning up one agai...